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  • Trading Thursday: Financial Freedom | June #2

Trading Thursday: Financial Freedom | June #2

Do you WANT Financial Freedom?

Do You WANT Financial Freedom?

Dear Traders,

read until the end, we have a present for you! 🎁

Have you ever wondered why you truly seek financial freedom? Is it your ego driving you? Today, we want to highlight different motivators and show you how to find more fulfillment on your trading journey.

The Ego And The Constant Wanting

Do you often feel like you're not achieving enough in your trading? This feeling comes from always wanting more—more money, more things, more recognition, driven by your ego.

Embracing Abundance In Your Trading Journey

What if you focused more on what you already have? If you acted from a sense of abundance rather than constant lack, your financial path could transform. The soul seeks growth and development, expanding its capabilities. How might your life change if you approached your financial journey with this mindset?

Inner Abundance For Financial Freedom

Remember a moment when you felt completely fulfilled. Were you driven by a strong desire of wanting in that moment? Probably not. Fulfillment arises from a sense of abundance and being.

When you trade with a mindset of abundance, that there is enough for everyone, you automatically take on less risk because you're no longer driven by greed. You trade with ease, unaffected by feelings of scarcity.

How to cultivate a positive mindset while trading:

Journaling about your successes and progress can be a transformative practice. By noting down the little steps and achievements, you create a tangible record of your journey. This not only helps you to stay motivated but also provides a powerful reminder of how far you have come, especially during challenging times. When you face difficulties or moments of doubt, revisiting your journal can reignite your confidence and show you that progress, no matter how small, is still progress.

These 3 Questions can guide you to start your Trading Journal:

  • What are the recent wins in my trading?

  • What important lessons did I learn from today's trades?

  • How have I progressed in my trading journey today?

That's why we've created the EmotionTracker feature in our Trading Journal! Stay tuned to try it out soon!

Ego vs. Soul In Relationships

A compelling example:

Think of an important person in your life. How do you feel when you say to them, "I need you"? Do you sense the dependency and fear behind it? This is the ego speaking from a sense of lack. Now say, "I want you, and I care for you willingly." Do you feel the difference? These words come from the soul, from a sense of abundance. Now exchange the important person for money and speak out the sentences once again. What kind of difference do you feel?

Trading With Calmness and Foresight

How do you currently trade? Is it mainly about quick profits or long-term growth? If you trade with relaxation and ease, you automatically reduce risk and you are less greedy. What if you focus not only on the money but also on your personal development?

We have the help for you! 🤝

Speak to our certified trading psychologist Julia

  • Clarify your trading psychology questions

  • Leave behind the thoughts that bother you during trading

  • Receive a personal trading psychology analysis

  • Get personalized guidance for your personal strategy

  • Get practical tips to solve personal trading issues

Our Present For You! 🎁

Are you interested in gaining valuable trading psychology insights and engaging in direct exchanges within a safe environment? Our upcoming free webinar and trader group exchange call is designed just for you.

  • Get Expert Input: Receive valuable trading psychology input from our certified expert Julia.

  • Safe Space for Exchange: Engage in direct exchanges with fellow traders in a protected and supportive environment.

  • Ask Questions: Bring your questions to the group and get answers in real-time.

  • Community Support: Benefit from other trader experiences.

Don't miss this opportunity to enhance your trading psychology and connect with a supportive community.

Share MindTrajour And Get Rewarded!

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(Unfortunately, the referral link didn’t work last week. Please reach out to us at [email protected] and let us know that you referred someone. We will manually grant you the 2 months free.)

We wish you a successful trading week

Your MindTrajour Team