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Trading Thursday: Master Your Trades- Jump Safely with a Solid Plan

Transform Every Trade into a Strategic Leap with a Reliable Safety Net

Dear MindTrajour Community,

Imagine standing at the edge of a high cliff. The wind is blowing in your face, and below you, the waves are crashing. You want to jump, but without a safety net? Unthinkable. 

Just like trading, entering a trade without a clear plan is akin to jumping into the unknown— you don’t know if you’ll land softly or crash hard. 

With the right planning, that safety rope is within reach, making your plunge into the market secure. Let’s master the market cliffs together and see how you can weave your safety net.

Trading Strategy:

The cliff lies before you. Where will you jump from? Your first step is crucial. Your trading strategy is the plan that tells you when and how to jump to ensure a safe landing.

  • Which trading strategy will I employ (e.g., trend following, breakout)?

  • Which markets or financial instruments will I focus on?


Your strategy is like calculating the wind and the distance to the water's surface. It ensures you’re not leaping blindly into the unknown but know exactly where you’re heading.

Entry Criteria:

You stand at the edge, waiting for the right moment. The perfect jump requires timing. You must calculate the wind, the height, and the force of the jump — these are your entry criteria.

  • What indicators or signals do I use to identify an entry?

  • What price levels or chart patterns need to be met to validate the entry?


Only when everything aligns do you jump. A well-chosen entry prevents you from leaping too early or too late, possibly plunging into the depths. The right moment is your key to a safe landing.

Exit Criteria:

You’re in the air. Everything is going well, but you need a plan for how to land safely. Your stop-loss is the parachute that opens when things go awry. Your target price is the water surface you’re aiming for.

  • Where do I place my stop-loss to limit my risk?

  • How do I determine my price target for this trade?


Without a clear exit plan, the jump could end in a crash. With a secure plan in hand, you know exactly how to land — whether with profit or a controlled fall.

Risk Management:

Every jump carries risk. You can’t control everything, but you can manage how much you’re risking. Your risk management is the rope that keeps you safe when the jump goes wrong.

  • What percentage of my capital am I willing to risk on this trade?

  • How do I calculate the appropriate position size based on my stop-loss?


This is the art of risk control: calculating the cliff's height and ensuring you have enough buffer if the wind changes. You don’t risk your entire capital, only a fraction — enough to keep you safe from free-falling.

Market Analysis:

Before you jump, you need to keep an eye on the situation. You look down — how deep is the water? Are there currents or rocks? Market analysis provides you with this information.

  • What trend is currently prevailing (upward, downward, sideways)?

  • What external factors (news, events) could influence the market?


When you understand the market currents, you can adjust your jump and ensure you don’t end up in unexpected waves. Analysis protects you from nasty surprises.

Time Management:

Timing is everything. You can’t jump when the waves are too high or the wind is too strong. You wait for the perfect moment — that’s your time management.

  • At what times of day or in which market phases is my strategy most effective?

  • How long do I plan to keep a trade open?


With good timing, you avoid unnecessary risks and know exactly when to let go and jump.

Trade Management:

You’re in the air now. But you can still steer. You need to feel the wind and perhaps adjust your parachute. Your trade is developing, and you adapt your plan while you’re in motion.

  • Do I have a plan to adjust my stop-loss if the trade moves in my favor?

  • What indicators or parameters do I use to monitor the trade during its duration?


As you fly, you watch your surroundings and react flexibly. Adjusting your stop-loss is like fine-tuning your parachute — it helps you land safely, even if the wind shifts unexpectedly.

By going through all these questions before taking the plunge into the market, you secure your safety net. You don’t trade blindly but with a clear plan that supports you at every step. So be bold — but never jump without a net.


Wishing you successful and safe trading!

Your MindTrajour Team